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FAR CRY 3 - Return to the Rook Islands
A MASSIVE overhaul to Far Cry 3 featuring HUNDREDS of new changes!


  • Increased time scale. Days and nights are twice as long. 

  • Increased weather chance so it actually does rain every so often
    (this is a TROPICAL island after all! )

  • MANY graphical improvements and changes. New game and chapter icons. New "less douchey" Jason images. New menu background textures. New better looking shop item images. New circular map icons inspired by Far Cry 2. New colored skill icons (Pale green for Heron, light blue for shark, light red for spider).. New vehicle and animal skins. TONS of changes.

  • NSFW Citra (she has "strategically placed" body paint)

  • Added color text throughout for better visibility and usefulness.

  • Significantly reduced the size of prompts when using items, looting dead enemies, etc.

  • Various key mapping improvements. Additional keys added such as (I)nventory, (J)ournal, s(K)ills, progress (L)og etc. CTRL key or C key to crouch. Moved weapon swapping to mouse scroll wheel and grenade/molotov swapping to G key. Everything can be remapped in the options menu.

  • Press E instead of press and hold. Enter key and numpad enter key can be used just about everywhere to confirm a selection (escape key to cancel selections)

  • Jason's camera actually functions AS a camera. That is you can take "fake snapshots" to fulfill mission requirements, but you can also use it to take actual screenshots while in the game!
    (You can also do this with defined keyboard keys if you wish)

  • Additions to the CIA handbook to make the entries seem less juvenile. They WILL still contain a "Notes from Willis:" footer section which will keep all of his sophomoric humor for those that enjoy that sort of thing, but the entries will now primarily be more informative and less silly.

  • Change to the Memory Card pickups. Now they are not just random drug recipes that have little bearing on the story or mythology, but instead now offer an optional storyline you can follow of a photo journalist who became lost on the Rook Islands. This is a throwback to the Jackal tapes idea of Far Cry 2 and hopefully offer some optional insights into the storyline of Far Cry 3 (people and events as seen through the eyes of someone OTHER than fratboy Jason)

  • Fast travel disabled for some versions of this mod. Fast travel is a terrible crutch and it reaches a point where the player is simply teleporting around the map to hurry up and clear the next objective. Players have so much more fun and more importantly DISCOVER so much more by having to travel to the next location rather than just "teleport" there. There are hundreds of cars, trucks, boats, ATVs, gliders and jet skis to facilitate quick travel around the island.

  • All skills open at start. Second island is "technically" open at start, but it's plenty dangerous to attempt it before getting to that point in the storyline. Wingsuit can be unlocked early should you wish to.

  • Loot diamond icons only appear on the maps if you move extremely close to them. You may still purchase expensive maps from the stores to reveal the full locations if desired.

  • Prices for EVERYTHING in general are much higher (roughly 1.5x to 2x the original cost). Money is extremely easy to acquire in FC3 so this slows down the rapid power creep of the player.

  • Towers do NOT provide free weapons. They will provide experience, expose more of the map and unlock extra weapon ATTACHMENTS to PURCHASE for your weapons. 
    Want a silencer and for your AK-74 or some body armor? Well you'll need to disable some of the tower scramblers so shops can get those in stock for you.

  • Weapons do not unlock when you retrieve them from dead enemies. If you want your own to customize you'll need to buy it from the store.

  • Revised weapon names. AK-74, F1 Famas, etc. etc. While still somewhat generic they are more representative of the actual weapons the game is mimicking.

  • All new weapons, signature weapons and attachments.

  • Revised Syringe and Crafting requirements. This is not intended as a radical change, but the crafting in the base game is pretty illogical and generally very easy to do. Between the map, fast travel and minimal requirements you can craft almost everything in the regular game except the last items in maybe an hour or less of hunting. These fully revised requirements require you to collect more and more animal skins as you progress to more powerful gear. 
    Certain animal skins are now associated with certain items (for example pigskin and sharkskin for wallets, boar and buffalo hide for loot sacks, etc.)

  • New crafting items and syringes added.

  • Regular non-medical syringes will have much LONGER durations.

  • Improvements to hunting: added some small XP benefits to hunting animals. Added some small improvements to skin prices in the store. You can earn 5 - 150 xp and $ per skin depending on how rare or dangerous it is to acquire. Pigs are worth very little. Tigers and Bears are worth quite a lot.

  • MUCH more enemy variety. Not everyone wears the same outfits over and over again.

  • MUCH less friendly chatter. The Rakyat don't say the same things repetitive things as much ("Whose the man?","This is all me. All me!", etc etc ugh)

  • Eternal war - pirates and privateers do not completely disappear from the islands after outposts are liberated. This will NOT allow pirates to retake the outposts (though you can still reset the outposts in the menu if you like)

  • Many, many other small and sundry changes.

Return to Rook Islands is a MASSIVE overhaul to the original Far Cry 3 experience! Return to the insanity and mystery of this incredible tropical island sandbox..
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